
About Us

Ultimissimo, a boutique spa salon in Historic Downtown Hudson, is located on the first floor of the oldest standing building (built in 1857) and the only survivor of the Great Fire of 1866. Designed to create a warm and welcoming environment, it is also an artistically imaginative space that inspires the artist in all of us. It may take more than one visit to see all of the wonderful artistic detail.

Rebecca Erickson, owner/stylist designed and created Ultimissimo to be her final destination to practice her craft. A very accomplished Stylist, with over 40 years of experience, Rebecca wants the opportunity spend more time with the clients, enjoying the energy she puts forth and also the energy she draws from the clients.

Rebecca’s attention to detail is not limited to the artistic design, her dedication to customer service is beyond reproach. With a focus on client satisfaction, she has developed an environment to meet the needs of the client both in service and retail, with a commitment to organic and botanical products for a healthy lifestyle.


We strive to cultivate a positive client experience and give back to the world around us.